Our editorial services
At The Book Edit we’ve designed a range of editorial services to help get your manuscript into its best possible shape.
Developmental Editing
Sometimes called structural or content editing, developmental editing is our most intensive service and involves an editor going deep into your novel or short story and helping figure out what’s working and what needs reworking. Typically a developmental editor will:
read your manuscript paying particular attention to story, genre, plot, pace, character, dialogue, setting, voice, structure and tone.
produce detailed notes on your manuscript, including areas that need developing and suggestions for rewrites.
provide tracked changes and comments embedded into the text to illustrate areas in need of further work.
Line Editing
If you’d like more input on your writing on a line-by line basis, then you may want to consider a line edit. Our line editors will look at the way you use language to communicate your story and suggest changes to the writing where they see potential for that language to be clearer.
You will receive two documents on return of the line edit: one with tracked changes so that you can see what the suggested changes might be. The other a ‘clean’ copy with the suggested changes accepted so that you can read how it might sound should you accept all the edits.
Proofreading is the final polish on your manuscript. If you’re ready to submit to an agent or publisher or are ready to self-publish, you’ll need that final pair of eyes on your work to make sure there are no pesky errors. Typically a proofreader will look for spelling mistakes, typos, punctuation errors; correct page numbering; text alignment and spacing; headings; font size and style.
Agent Submission Package
If you’re ready to submit to agents, we can provide detailed feedback on your first three chapters, synopsis and covering letter. We can also help you to target your submissions to particular agents who might be interested in your work.
Book Proposal Package
For anyone with an idea for a non-fiction book, our editors can provide detailed feedback on your proposal, ensuring it’s in the best possible shape before you approach agents or publishers.
Mentoring for writers
If you would like to work one-to-one with a mentor on your writing project, we offer monthly sessions which include pre-reading of an agreed number of words from your work-in-progress and a 50 minute Zoom meeting to discuss the feedback and suggest redrafting strategies.
Self-publishing PACKAGE
While it’s never been easier to get your work out into the world, ensuring your book is the best version of itself can be difficult, especially when you’re responsible for every part of that process.
We can help make that process easier. Our self-publishing package includes the following:
Copy and line editing
Typesetting and formatting of manuscript ready for Amazon KDP (or other platforms)
Book cover design
Proofreading final manuscript before publication
Each service is available individually but if you opt for the total package there is a 10% reduction in the cost.
If you’re not sure which service you need, or just want to book in some time to discuss your emerging ideas, get in touch to see how we can help.
industry contacts
We also provide advice on literary agent submissions, including synopses and covering letters, book proposals, self-publishing, and marketing yourself as an author.
If we spot serious potential in your writing, we are well connected to top UK-based literary agents to whom we can make recommendations.
Our latest offering is The Academic Edit: The Book Edit’s academic editorial service. We provide developmental editing, line editing and proofreading for academics and universities on Research Proposals; Impact Case Studies; Unit-level and Institutional-level Environment Statements.
Our Academic Edit editorial team have written for the likes of The Independent, The Times, The Financial times, The Washington Post, New Scientist, and The New Statesman and have provided editorial services across a range of sectors from universities to financial institutions.
To see how The Academic Edit can help you or your institution, email info@theacademicedit.co.uk